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The online store operating at is a platform operated by Aleksandra Kościkiewicz, running a business under the name Aleksandra Kościkiewicz with its registered office in Krakowiany at ul. Młynowa 57, 05-831. NIP: 9512172074, REGON: 142563470.


Online store - an online platform that the Company has the right to use, available at and enabling the User to place orders.

Registration form - an electronic form completed by the User in order to gain access to the functionality of the E-shop, consisting in placing an order for products offered in the E-shop.

Company - Aleksandra Kościkiewicz running a business under the name Aleksandra Kościkiewicz with its registered office in Młynowa 57, Krakowiany NIP 9512172074, REGON 142563470,

Regulations - means these regulations together with all annexes.

Product page – a page in the Online Store where information about the product is presented.

User - a natural person or a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, which is granted legal personality by law, with full legal capacity, using, making or intending to make a purchase in the Online Store.

Terms of order fulfillment

The User may place orders 7 (seven) days a week and 24 (twenty-four) hours a day via the website

In the basket, the User indicates:

  1. a) ordered products,
  2. b) address to which the subject of the order is to be delivered and data necessary to issue an invoice,
  3. c) e-mail address to which the order confirmation is to be sent,
  4. d) method of delivery,
  5. e) method of payment,

The ordering procedure includes instructions:

  1. a) product selection,
  2. b) selection of delivery options,
  3. c) selection of payment method,
  4. d) order confirmation.

After placing the order, the Company sends confirmation of order registration along with appropriate information about the order to the e-mail address provided by the User. Confirmation of order registration is the Company's declaration of acceptance of the offer. At this moment, the contract between the Company and the User is considered concluded.

The subject of the order will be sent to the address indicated by the User in the order as the delivery address.

If the ordered product is unavailable, the Company will inform the User about the situation by sending a message to the e-mail address provided by the User.

If part of the order cannot be fulfilled, the Company may offer the User:

(a) canceling the order in its entirety (if the User selects this option, the Company will be released from the obligation to complete the order),

  1. b) cancellation of the part of the order that cannot be completed within the specified period (if the User selects this option, the order will be partially completed, but the Company will be released from the obligation to complete the remaining part of the order),
  2. c) dividing the order and setting a new deadline for the part of the order that cannot be completed within the originally agreed deadline (if the User selects this option, the products constituting the order will be sent in several separate shipments and the User will not incur additional costs related to dividing the order into several shipments).

Selecting one of the options listed in section 8 ac belongs to the User, of which the User is obliged to inform the Company via e-mail to

The company is obliged to deliver the item without defects.

If payment for the item is not made within __10__ days, the order will be canceled.

The date of payment is deemed to be the crediting of the Company's account with the entire amount corresponding to the value of the order.

Contact with the Company is possible via e-mail at: and by phone +48 660 449 477 from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00.

The costs of using means of distance communication to conclude a contract are borne by the Company and the User on their own, even if they are higher than usually applicable when using this means of communication. (11) The User is obliged to keep the login and password to his account in the Online Store confidential.

Product prices

The Company publishes information about products on the Online Store website and sells the above-mentioned products via the Internet.

Prices on the Store Website are posted next to the product:

(a) include VAT and are given in PLN;

(b) do not contain information about shipping costs.

The binding and final price is the product price shown on the Online Store website at the time the User places the order.

Information about the total value of the order is presented in the Shopping Cart after the User selects the method of delivery of the goods and the method of payment.

The company reserves the right to change product prices on an ongoing basis and to conduct and cancel all types of promotional campaigns and sales. The right referred to in the preceding sentence does not affect orders placed before the date of entry into force of changes in prices, terms and conditions of promotional campaigns or sales.

Promotions in the Online Store cannot be combined, unless the regulations of a given promotion provide otherwise.

Order modification

The User may make changes to the order until the Company sends the shipment with the subject of the order to the User. Changes may include canceling all or part of the products in your order, changing your delivery address or changing your invoice details. In the event of cancellation of the order, if payment has been made in advance, the payment will be refunded immediately, but no later than within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of reporting the cancellation to the Company by the User.

Changes can be made by sending an e-mail to:

Payment methods and starting the order

The user can make a payment in one of the following ways:

  1. a) cash on delivery of the ordered product, cash on delivery,
  2. b) bank transfer to the account indicated on the invoice within _7__ days from placing the order,
  3. c) online or payment card payment via the Payment Operator.
  4. d) in installments or with deferred repayment through the PayPo intermediary

The user cannot combine different payment methods in one order.

Order processing time

The Company may include on the Product Page information about the number of business days, i.e. days of the week from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays, during which the shipment containing the subject of the order will be sent. The above information is the approximate time counted from the moment the order is accepted for processing until the subject of the order is sent to the User. The delivery time is given taking into account the deadline for completing all ordered products.

The subject of the order may be delivered via a courier company to the address indicated in the order by the User, at the User's discretion.

Complaints procedure

The User has the right to submit a complaint within 1 (one) year from the date of delivery of the subject of the order, provided that the Company is notified of the non-compliance of the delivered products with the contract within 1 month from the date of finding the non-compliance.

The Company will respond to the User's complaint within 14 (fourteen) days and notify the User about the further course of action.

The User is obliged to provide the Company with the complained product or products in order to consider the complaint. The cost of delivering the complained product or products is borne by the Company.

The complained goods should be delivered to the following address: Aleksandra Kościkiewicz ul. Stępińska 22/30, lok 212, 00-739 Warsaw.

If the subject of the order was delivered via a courier company, complaints should be sent to the Company's address via the courier company. In such a case, the Company will refund the shipping costs to the User. If the subject of the order is delivered to the User on delivery or the User collects the subject of the order in person, the refund of the order costs will be made on the terms described in § 8 below.

If the complaint is considered in favor of the User, the Company will immediately and without excessive inconvenience to the User replace the defective item with a defect-free one or remove the defect. If the Company fails to fulfill this obligation, the User may submit a declaration of price reduction or withdrawal from the contract. If the User submits a declaration of withdrawal from the contract or price reduction, the Company will refund the User the amount due or part of the amount due for the complained product immediately, but no later than within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of considering the complaint. If the User is a consumer, he may, instead of removing the defect proposed by the Company, request replacement of the item with a defect-free one or instead of replacing the item, request removal of the defect, unless bringing the item into compliance with the contract in the manner chosen by the User is impossible or would require excessive costs compared to the method proposed. by the Company. When assessing the excessiveness of costs, the value of the item free from defects, the type and significance of the defect found, and the inconvenience to which the User would be exposed to another method of satisfaction are taken into account.

The reduced price should be in the same ratio to the price resulting from the contract as the value of the item with a defect to the value of the item without the defect.

The customer cannot withdraw from the contract if the defect is immaterial.

The cost of delivery of the complained product is covered by the Company.

In the event of a dispute between the Company and the Customer, the Customer has the opportunity to use extrajudicial methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims, in particular through mediation, arbitration or a complaints committee. These procedures are conducted by the Provincial Inspectorates of the Trade Inspection, the Office of Electronic Communications, the Arbitration Court at the Insurance Ombudsman, the Bank Consumer Arbitration at the Polish Bank Association, the Arbitration Court at the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, and the Association of Advertising Associations of the Council, which provide information in this regard.

Conditions for returning goods

The purchased goods must be returned unchanged, unless the change was necessary within the scope of ordinary management.

The goods must be returned by packing the goods vertically in a box with at least the same dimensions as the box in which the Customer received the goods.

The Customer is responsible for reducing the value of the item resulting from using it in a way that goes beyond what is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functioning of the item, in particular for reducing the value of the item resulting from its packaging in a manner inconsistent with the Regulations.

Cancellation of the order and withdrawal from the contract

You may cancel your order if the products comprising it have not yet been shipped by sending an e-mail to the following address:

A User who is a natural person and makes purchases in the Online Store for activities not directly related to his/her business or professional activity may return any product ordered in the E-Shop without giving a reason within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the completed order.

The user referred to in section 2 above, may return the purchased products on the terms described in this paragraph, if he submits a declaration of withdrawal from the Agreement within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the subject of the order.

Returned products should be sent to the following address:


Aleksander Kościkiewicz

Stępińska 22/30

lok 212

00-739 Warsaw

tel: +48 660449477

Returns must be sent back at your own expense via any courier. We do not collect parcels from parcel lockers or collection points.

The model withdrawal form constitutes Annex No. 2 to the Consumer Rights Act (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827).

Withdrawal from a contract concluded off-premises or remotely is not permitted

Customer in relation to contracts

for the provision of services, if the entrepreneur has fully performed the service with the express consent of the consumer, who was informed before the provision of services that after the entrepreneur has completed the service, he will lose the right to withdraw from the contract;

in which the price or remuneration depends on fluctuations in the financial market over which the entrepreneur has no control and which may occur before the deadline for withdrawal from the contract;

in which the subject of the service is a non-prefabricated item, manufactured according to the consumer's specifications or serving to meet his individual needs;

in which the subject of the service is an item that deteriorates quickly or has a short shelf life;

in which the subject of the service is an item delivered in a sealed package, which cannot be returned after opening the package due to health protection or hygiene reasons, if the package was opened after delivery;

in which the subject of the service are items which, after delivery, due to their nature, are inseparably connected with other items;

in which the subject of the service are alcoholic beverages, the price of which was agreed upon when concluding the sales contract, and whose delivery can only take place after 30 days and whose value depends on market fluctuations over which the entrepreneur has no control;

in which the consumer has expressly requested the entrepreneur to come to him for urgent repair or maintenance; if the entrepreneur additionally provides services other than those requested by the consumer, or supplies items other than spare parts necessary for repair or maintenance, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract in relation to additional services or items;

in which the subject of the service are sound or visual recordings or computer programs delivered in a sealed package, if the package was opened after delivery;

for the delivery of newspapers, periodicals or magazines, with the exception of subscription contracts;

concluded by public auction;

for the provision of accommodation services other than for residential purposes, transportation of goods, car rental, catering, services related to recreation, entertainment, sports or cultural events, entertainment, sports or cultural events, if the contract specifies the day or period of service provision;

for the supply of digital content that is not recorded on a tangible medium, if the performance of the service began with the consumer's express consent before the deadline for withdrawal from the contract expires and after the entrepreneur informed him about the loss of the right to withdraw from the contract.

Returns for Users

The company will refund the amount due within 14 calendar days in the event of:

(a) cancellation of the order or part of it (then refund of the appropriate part of the price) paid in advance before its execution,

  1. b) return of goods (withdrawal from the contract) from the order,
  2. c) acceptance of the complaint and the impossibility of repairing the damaged product or replacing it with a new one.

The refund will be made to the User's bank account.

The Company is not obliged to directly refund the User if the User paid for the order using someone else's bank account, credit card or payment card. In such a case, if one of the conditions for return referred to in section. 1 above, the refund will be made directly to the bank account or credit card holder.

Personal information

Personal data administrator

I kindly inform you that Aleksandra Kościkiewicz, operating under the name ALEKSANDRA KOŚCIKIEWICZ, ul. Młynowa no. 57, 05-831 Krakowiany, contact telephone number: +48 660 449 477, e-mail address: is the administrator of personal data provided by you when registering on the website and placing orders, as well as obtained as a result of automated processing of personal data based on your consent.

Purposes and legal basis for data processing

The personal data provided by you will be used to take actions necessary to perform the contract, such as: order execution, tracking order status, creating order history for registered users, completing the invoice and other documents required in connection with the order execution. registration of commercial transactions. For this reason, providing this data is voluntary, but necessary to register an account or place an order. Without providing the required data, it will not be possible to perform these activities.

After concluding the contract, we may process your data, the processing of which is necessary to perform the contract or to take action at your request submitted before concluding the contract.

If you have given your consent, your personal data will also be processed in an automated manner, including in the form of profiling. This processing is carried out through the automated use of data collected via your IP address, cookies, Google Analytics and data sent automatically by your web browser in order to best adapt the presented and transmitted content to your needs and to facilitate your navigation on the website (through automatic completing data in form fields on the website).

The data you provide may also be used for marketing services on the Internet, including the provision of commercial information, if you have consented to this by providing your personal data.

Personal data provided by you after completing the order may still be stored for the time necessary to process and handle notifications regarding the completed order, account maintenance (in the case of registration on the website) and providing marketing information.

You can withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data at any time by sending an e-mail to the following address:

If you withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data necessary to provide a specific service for which your consent is required, we will not be able to provide that service.

We may also process your data due to our legitimate interest (e.g. defense against claims), as well as when processing is necessary to fulfill the legal obligation of the administrator, e.g. resulting from the provisions of tax law.

Data recipients

In order to process your order, the personal data you provide may be transferred to entities providing delivery services and companies operating information processing systems through which we operate (e.g. entities running our website). We will share your data only for the purpose of fulfilling your order and providing you with marketing information - if you have consented to this.

We may make your data available to competent public authorities acting on the basis of applicable law, as well as to our advisors and contractors in order to defend our legitimate interest, including: in connection with legal claims.

Rights you have:

At any time you can:

withdraw your consent to our processing of your personal data;

(withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing carried out before its withdrawal)


request the deletion of personal data processed by us;

request access to personal data processed by us;

request rectification of personal data processed by us;

(if the personal data we hold is inaccurate)


request that we restrict our processing of your personal data;

(e.g. to prevent us from processing certain data or taking certain actions on it)


request that we transfer your personal data;

(if you want to receive a copy of the personal data we administer)


object to our processing of your personal data;

(due to your particular situation or contrary to the use of direct marketing)


8) submit a complaint to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office


(if you believe that our processing of your personal data violates the provisions on the processing of personal data)

Contact info

You can exercise the above rights in particular by completing the form below and sending it to the e-mail address provided. We also encourage you to contact us to clarify any doubts at the following e-mail address:


The User has the option of subscribing to the newsletter (Newsletter) of the Online Store.

The User will receive the Newsletter electronically to the e-mail address provided by him/her if he/she voluntarily consents to the Online Store transmitting correspondence to him/her electronically and additionally consents to the processing of personal data referred to in § 9 above.

The User may unsubscribe from the Newsletter at any time by clicking on the link in the e-mail containing the Newsletter sent to him or by logging in to the website and entering the Newsletter website.

The Bloo: Newsletter subscription terms.

These Regulations have been issued pursuant to Art. 8 section 1 of the Act of 18 July 2002

on the provision of services by electronic means (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1219, as amended) in order to determine

rules for the implementation of the subscription and the rights and obligations of the subscriber and the service provider.

Regulatory conditions

The terms used in the Regulations mean:

service provider - Aleksandra Kościkiewicz running a business under the company name.

Aleksander Kościkiewicz

Młynowa 57, 05-831 Krakowiany

tel. +48 660449477,

e-mail adress:

hereinafter also referred to as: The Bloo or data administrator newsletter - information sent periodically to the e-mail address provided during registration in the database


GDPR - Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on.

on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and o

the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation

Data protection),

subscriber – a natural person, a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality

legal entity that ordered the newsletter subscription service,

subscription – a service of periodic sending of the newsletter electronically,

registration - ordering a newsletter subscription, the activity of entering the e-mail addresses of subscribers necessary to provide this service into the database,

cookies – IT data, in particular text files, that are stored

are stored on the user's end device and are intended for using websites,

used to ensure proper functioning or improve the use of the Website

service provider's website.

Conclusion and termination of the service contract

The Bloo newsletter

Using The Bloo newsletter service is voluntary and free of charge.

The possibility of registering in the subscriber database and receiving the newsletter is available to every Internet user interested in this service.

Before using The Bloo newsletter service, a person subscribing to its service

by subscribing, you declare that you have read these Regulations and the Bloo Privacy Policy.

As part of the newsletter service, subscribers will receive in particular information

commercial information within the meaning of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services

electronically. By providing your e-mail address and accepting its provisions

Regulations, the subscriber consents to receiving commercial information electronically

electronically within the meaning of Art. 10 section 2 of the Act on the provision of electronic services.

The service provider may, in particular, send information as part of the newsletter service

in the field of direct marketing, including information about new products and promotions

or promotion of products offered by The Bloo.

After receiving the subscriber's e-mail address, the service provider will send it to the provided address

authorization email address. After authorization, the subscriber can

receive The Bloo brand newsletter by e-mail.

A person who, when ordering a newsletter subscription, provided false data or provided the above-mentioned

e-mail address of a third party without that third party's knowledge and consent, shall be liable for this

any liability for damage caused to the service provider in the event of any claims made by him

by this third party any claims against the service provider.

The subscriber may unsubscribe at any time and thus opt out

consent to the processing of your personal data by clicking on the link

"Remove me from list" available in the message sent for e-authorization

e-mail address of the person interested in subscribing to the newsletter

The Service Provider reserves that no newsletter will be sent to these e-mail addresses

from which the message sent with the expressed intention to resign was returned.


III. Types and scope of services provided electronically

The Service Provider will send information to subscribers via a newsletter

regarding promotions, new products and special campaigns conducted by The Bloo i

interesting facts and information related to the industry and activities of The Bloo.

No illegal content will be sent to Users via the newsletter

illegal content.

Terms of provision of electronic services

To use the newsletter service, it is necessary to maintain the following minimum technical conditions

 technical conditions: access to the Internet, any web browser, active and correctly configured

correctly configured email.

Personal data protection

The administrator of personal data is Aleksandra Kościkiewicz running a business under the company name.

business activity under the name Aleksandra Kościkiewicz, ul. Młynowa 57, 05-831 Krakowiany.

Rules for the processing of personal data by the administrator and information

about the rights of the data subject, as well as other information relevant to the data subject

the principles of personal data protection are available in the INFORMATION CLAUSE and in

 PRIVACY POLICY available at

The basis for the processing of personal data is the e-mail address of the website subscriber

newsletter constitutes art. 6 section 1 letter b GDPR, because processing is necessary for performance

contract for the provision of electronic Newsletter service, to which the service provider is a party


The Service Provider may also process the personal data of the newsletter subscriber in connection with:

the legitimate interest of the administrator referred to in Art. 6 section 1 letter f GDPR.

Personal data will be processed by the administrator for the duration of the contract for the provision of electronic services

electronic newsletter service, in order to implement it. After termination of the contract, personal data

will be deleted immediately, unless the administrator has the right to do so

further processing on another legal basis, in particular due to

implementation of legal claims.

The data administrator will not share the e-mail addresses entrusted to him

e-mail addresses to third parties, excluding entities providing maintenance services in the collection

the set of addresses in question.

Right to object 

The newsletter subscriber has the right to object to direct marketing

Direct marketing.

You can exercise your right to object by sending the data controller a

message to the address

Exercising the right to object terminates the contract for the provision of the Service

e-newsletter service.

VII. Complaints procedure

Any complaints related to the newsletter service should be reported to The Bloo at the following e-mail address:

The complaint should include a description of the situation

considered, as well as an indication of the expected solution. Complaints will be considered in a timely manner

14 days from the date of receipt by the service provider. The consequences of considering the complaint will be:

sent to the e-mail addresses from which the notification was sent.

VIII. Liability of the service provider

The Service Provider is not responsible for incorrect implementation of the newsletter subscription


works of God,

failure caused by the subscriber or irregularities in the subscriber's IT system,

quality of the subscriber's connection (connection) to the Internet,

equipment failures of the subscriber's Internet providers.

VIII. Final Provisions

The Service Provider has the right to make changes, modifications or discontinue the provision at any time

sending the newsletter without notice.


If any of the provisions of these regulations prove to be invalid or ineffective

regulations, the remaining provisions remain in force.

The Bloo reserves the right to change these regulations by posting an announcement

the updated version on the website, in such case

The service provider will send the subscriber an updated version of the regulations to the address provided

e-mail adress. If the subscriber does not accept the changes, he or she may do so

unsubscribe from receiving the newsletter in the manner indicated in Section II, section 8. Regulations. If within

14 days from the date of sending the current version of the regulations to the Subscriber

When unsubscribing from the newsletter, it is assumed that the subscriber has accepted the regulations in the updated version as of 14 days from the date of sending the updated version to the subscriber.

updated version for 14 days from the day it was sent. 4.

The Regulations are available on the website and enter into force upon publication.

enters into force upon its publication.

11 Final provisions

  1. Product information posted on the Online Store's website does not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code.

The availability of information about products on the Online Store websites does not mean that these products are available in the Warehouse and that the order can be completed, and the User is always informed about the unavailability of a given product before placing the order.

In matters not regulated in the Regulations, the provisions of Polish law shall apply, in particular the Civil Code and the provisions of the Consumer Rights Act (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827). All product names posted on the Online Store website are used for identification purposes and may be protected and reserved under the provisions of the Industrial Property Law (Journal of Laws No. 119 of 2003, item 1117, as amended).

4. These Regulations are valid from December 25, 2014. The Company reserves the right to change the Regulations for important reasons listed in §11 section. 7 of the Regulations. The amendment to the Regulations enters into force on the date indicated by the Company, no less than 14 days after the amended Regulations are made available on the website Orders placed by Users before the date of entry into force of the changes to the Regulations will be processed in accordance with the existing provisions of the Regulations.

  1. Important grounds on the basis of which the Company may amend the regulations in the manner described in § 11 section 7 are:

changes in generally applicable legal provisions and the need to adapt the provisions of the Regulations to current legal provisions

the Company canceling the shipment of products ordered by Users through one or more distribution channels

introduction by the Company of a new distribution channel for products ordered by the User

change in the Company's contact details, resulting in the need to update the definitions contained in the Regulations

cancellation by the Company of the possibility of providing the newsletter service described in § 10 of the Regulations

cancellation, change or introduction of a new form of payment for products by the User

changing e-mail addresses for contact with the Company

change in the structure of the order basket placed by the User, described in § 1 section 2 of the Regulations

introducing the possibility of entrusting the processing of Users' personal data to an entity other than the Company with the Users' consent.

Changing the Regulations for one of the reasons indicated in §11 section 7 of the Regulations takes place to the extent that a given reason determines the change of the Regulations and comes into force on the day of its announcement in the E-shop. In relations between Users and the Company, the provisions of the Regulations in force at the time the obligation arises shall apply.

Personal data administrator

I would like to inform you that Aleksandra Kościkiewicz operating under the name

ALEKSANDRA KOŚCIKIEWICZ, ul. Młynowa 57, 05-831 Krakowiany, contact telephone number: +48 660 449 477, e-mail address: is the administrator of personal data provided by you when registering on the website and when placing orders, as well as obtained through automated processing of personal data based on your consent.

Purposes and legal basis for data processing

The personal data you provide will be used to take necessary actions

to perform the contract, such as delivering the order, tracking the status of the order,

creating order history for registered users, filling out invoices and more

documents required in connection with the registration of a business activity. For this reason

for this reason, providing this data is voluntary, but necessary for registration

account or place an order. Without providing the required data, it will not be possible to perform these activities

will be possible.

If you consent, your personal data will also be processed

in an automated manner, including in the form of profiling. This processing takes place through

automated use of data collected via IP address, cookies,

Google Analytics and data sent automatically by your browser

web browser in order to best adapt the presented and transmitted content to your needs

your needs and to facilitate your navigation on the website (e.g

filling in data in form fields on the website).

The data you provide may also be used for marketing purposes

services provided electronically, including the provision of commercial information, if you have consented to it

when providing personal data.

The personal data provided by you after completing the order may be further stored

for the time necessary to consider and process requests for implementation

orders, account management (in the case of registration on the website

website) and providing requested marketing information.

In order to complete the order, the personal data provided may be transferred to entities

providing parcel delivery services and companies conducting business

information processing systems through which we operate (e.g

our website). We will provide your data solely for the purpose of implementation

orders and to provide marketing information - if you have consented to it.

We may share your data with competent public authorities acting pursuant to Art

applicable legal provisions, as well as to our advisors and contractors for the purpose of defense

our legitimate interests, for example in connection with legal claims.

The rights you have

At any time you can:

1) withdrawal of consent to our processing of your personal data;

(withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing carried out before its withdrawal)

2) request the deletion of personal data processed by us;

3) request access to personal data processed by us;

4) request rectification of personal data processed by us;

(if the personal data we hold is inaccurate)

5) request that we limit the processing of your personal data;

(e.g. to prevent us from processing certain data or taking certain actions on it)

6) request that we transfer your personal data;

(if you want to receive a copy of your personal data that we administer)

7) object to our processing of your personal data;

(if you believe that we are processing your data unjustifiably)

8) submit a complaint to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office

(if you believe that our processing of your personal data violates the provisions on the processing of personal data)


Contact info

You can exercise the above rights, in particular by completing the form

provided below and sending it to the e-mail address provided. We also encourage you to contact us

to clarify any doubts at the following e-mail address:


General rules of promotions and discount codes:

  1. Discount codes cannot be combined with other promotions on the website

We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.